Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2012 Luck Dragon (Better late than never!)

Like most people I've been trying to put together a list of goals for 2012. I've been having a hard time getting started this time around. A career coach, Dallas Travers, suggested that you must first acknowledge what you accomplished last year in order to move ahead this year.

I first thought: "What I accomplished last year? Yeah, right! A whole lot of nothing!" I was seriously disappointed that I wasn't light years ahead in terms of my career. But I decided to look over my calender for 2011 & see what I did. I actually did a lot! None of it is really making me money but maybe 2012 will be the year it pays off. This is what I discovered:
  • I produced and performed in a late night stage competition & out of 16 we made it down to the final 4
  • I performed in a total of 9 episodes with 3 different web series
  • I performed in a TV pilot that is being pitched
  • I performed in two different "reality" type shows. One of which I performed for a music video.
  • I performed in a 48hr film festival where the entire script was improvised
  • I performed in 7 weekends of a stage show
  • I took 2 commercial classes with 2 casting directors
  • I took an on-camera audition class
  • I took a musical theater class with an artistic director
  • I started taking a few casting director workshops
  • I joined SAG & paid up my AFTRA dues
  • I got new headshots
  • I tried out a manager 
  • I signed with a print agent
Whew! I was busy!
    But really the biggest things I accomplished were:
    • I figured out my personal life & got rid of a lot of baggage that was making me unhappy
    • I helped 2 friends get SAG eligible (Though now the unions are merging!)
    • I met a lot of new, awesome friends
    So in the end I didn't actually accomplish some of the giant goals I was hoping for and I'll probably just do a "cut & paste" of last years goals but I guess I see a lot of things I did in 2011 that I can build upon for the year to come. And I sure hope the Chinese are right about the Year Of The Dragon as being a lucky year. I could use some!

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