Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adventures In Pole Dancing

About three months ago my life was thrown into chaos. A relationship ended and subsequently I needed to find a new place to live. These circumstances put all my pursuits on hold till I could get grounded: mentally, emotionally, and most importantly, physically. (I needed a place to live!)

Well I'm back! I now live in the coolest place with an amazing view of Hollywood and a giant backyard perfect for parties. Through the trials of the past months I have learned a great deal about who I am and what I want and I feel freer to take risks and try new things.

And I am! You can expect to see more out of me in the next few months. I have been meeting with collaborators, I have been writing (this is HUGE for me), I have been experimenting at open mics, & now I have been learning to pole dance! And I'm addicted!!
This is one of my teachers, Lori Hirai

This past week I have started classes at Evolve Dance Studio in Los Angeles. I've already taken 3 classes and I'll be going to class #4 tonight. Pole dancing is a blast! The teachers basically let you learn at your own pace so you can learn as fast or as slow as you want to. I jumped right in wanting to learn and do as much as I can. When I'm not at the studio I've been watching videos online to plan what I want to learn or try at my next class. 

 My favorite web teachers are: 

(Both of these ladies are super inspirational & sexy!) 

I've already learned 6 spins, how to climb & sit, and a lot of sexy floor work. My biggest dilemma has been to find vegetarian platform stilettos. All the major suppliers use animal products unfortunately. It kind of surprises me with the growing trend of people going vegetarian or vegan. There is even a vegan strip club in Portland! 

Are you in LA? Want to see what I've learned so far? Well you can this weekend! This Saturday, September 2nd, Sacred Fools Theater is having their Super-Sweet 16th Season Launch Party. 

I will be a go-go dancer and there will be a pole! Come check it out. Even the ladies will have a good time since my trainer friend Will will be rocking the floor and possibly the pole as well. 
Here's all the info: 

Super Sweet 16th Season Launch Party
Saturday, September 1st  8pm  $20
Sacred Fools Theater
660 N. Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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