Friday, November 16, 2012

Writing For Non-Writers

Seems like in 2012 I enrolled myself in the crash course of Writing For Non-Writers as I am the latter and have been finding myself doing a lot of the former lately. 
Two years ago I had a really great idea for a web series. It was about a topic I really loved, could be really funny, and had opportunity for many of my friends to add their talents to the mix. Surely one of them would be enthusiastic enough about the project to basically write the entire thing? I even had really great fundraising ideas - and this was before Kickstarter was popular. I approached a few close friends to see if the idea would catch spark. But I got nothing. 
Last year I had another great idea for a web series. And I had a writer on board to write it! Again, another topic I really love and something that would benefit both of us. Since I'm more the idea person than a dialogue writer, I sent over pages of ideas for episodes. This is it! I'm finally going to help create exciting work for myself! I waited a few weeks to get the first brilliantly funny pages...but nothing. Over the next 6 months I sent reminder emails, Facebook messages, & discussed the episodes in person. I got promises and promises of episodes. Then it quickly became 2012 and I still had nothing. With a shrug of my shoulders, I gave up.

(This is really me stranded at the airport but it's the same sentiment)

I hit a wall. I had all sorts of great ideas but no one to write them for me. And giving up was not acceptable. Something had to change.
It turns out a couple inspirational books (now my favorite books ever) would turn 2012 into my most creative year ever. Well, those and some good old determination. The first of my new favorite books is "The Fire Starter Sessions." It made me realize I shouldn't try to be a well-rounded actor (i.e. mediocre) but focus on being brilliant at what I love and do well. And I love comedy. Well, until I'm booked on a sitcom, I better find a way to use my funny bone.
The second of my new favorite books is "Imagine: How Creativity Works." This is the one that is actually helping me create everything I'm working on these days. No, writing is not something I love or do well but creating something I'm passionate about that is tailored to me makes me feel amazing. "Imagine" basically talks about how the right brain works. Once the left part of your brain has hit a wall, that's when your right brain starts working it's magic. But you have to hit that wall before you can find a creative way around it. 
Today I have a new web series I'm working on and this time I've partnered with my actor friend who is also a non-writer and we're having a wonderful/terrible/exciting time pushing through those walls to create this project ourselves. I know once we are seeing our ideas come to fruition, all the agony will be well worth it. And, who knows, we may become addicted.

A glimpse of another self-created project in 2012

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